Blog — Stone Development Group

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Matt Romansky

Play Like A Champion Today! Part 1 of a 5 Part Series


Play Like A Champion Today! Part 1 of a 5 Part Series

You may have heard of “Play Like A Champion Today”. Those immortal words are painted on a sign that hangs in the Notre Dame locker room which Lou Holtz hung in 1986. The players touch the sign as they exit the locker room on their way to the field. Each player touches the sign in their own way, some bang it with both fists, some slap it as if they were high fiving the sign, and others simply slide their hand across the famous sign. It is there to remind the team to do their very best.





Have you ever felt like you were “in the zone”? This is when you feel hyper-focused and relaxed at the same time, and when time seems to go by slowly or stop altogether. It is a feeling of complete control and performing at your peak. This is also referred to as being in “FLOW”.


The Importance of Organization


The Importance of Organization

We have always heard about the importance of organization, but I can tell you from personal experience that it is a miracle drug. My wife is the one who got me to see the light and it has changed my life.


Building Your Team


Building Your Team

Getting to know your workers is crucial and begins in the hiring process. Like a coach scouting a potential athlete, you will learn a tremendous amount about an applicant in the interview process. Today we give you a closer look at our hiring process.


Team Work


Team Work

Most of us at some point in our lives have been part of a team. Maybe it was a sports team, maybe it was in the workplace. Regardless of the nature of the task, when you get a group of people together working towards a common goal, you have yourself a team.
